Want to use WhatsApp Business API for Diwali and the festive season sale promotions? Here's a plan for you!

The happy season is close to the corner and Diwali is that one time that every last one of us is attempting to snatch the best arrangements and limits on gadgets, style, gems, garments and then some, to check the start of another year.

Statistics have observed that around 1.2 lakh crore worth of deals were made web based during the Diwali season the year before. Taking into account the fast expansion in web-based buys, this year is certainly scheduled to have more!

This also means that there is going to be a lot more competition for online businesses when it comes to grabbing consumer attention. And that’s exactly where WhatsTool Business comes into the mix!

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using WhatsApp for Diwali and the festive season to get more sales.

Why Do You Need to Have a Diwali WhatsApp Marketing Strategy?

Having a Diwali WhatsApp marketing strategy for your business is crucial because it allows you to tap into the immense marketing potential of this festive season. Diwali is a time when people are actively searching for gifts, products, and services, and WhatsApp provides a direct and personalized channel to reach them. By crafting a well-thought-out strategy, you can engage with your audience, send personalized Diwali greetings, showcase special promotions, and drive sales. This not only helps in boosting immediate revenue but also in building long-term customer relationships and loyalty. Moreover, a Diwali WhatsApp marketing strategy enables you to stay competitive in a crowded marketplace and ensures that your brand remains top-of-mind during this significant and celebratory time of year.

 But why WhatsApp?

  • An average of 98% open rate
  • A click through rate of 45% and higher
  • Messages get opened and read in less than 2 minutes.
  • 37% higher response rate as compared to other channels.

How to use WhatsApp before, during, and after Diwali to get more sales?

To maximize sales before, during, and after Diwali using WhatsApp, follow these strategies:

  • Before Diwali: Start by creating excitement with teaser messages like "Diwali is around the corner, stay tuned for exclusive offers!" Share visually appealing images or videos of your upcoming Diwali products or services. Consider running a pre-Diwali giveaway contest where participants need to share your WhatsApp message with friends for a chance to win a prize. For instance, an e-commerce store could send out teaser images of their Diwali collection, like ethnic wear or festive decorations, with a message promising special discounts for WhatsApp subscribers.
  • During Diwali: As Diwali approaches, step up your WhatsApp engagement. Send personalized Diwali greetings to your subscribers and offer exclusive discounts and promotions with a sense of urgency like "Diwali Flash Sale - 24 hours only!" Use WhatsApp's status feature to showcase limited-time offers, and encourage customers to forward your messages to their contacts to reach a broader audience. For instance, a restaurant could send out a Diwali-themed message with a QR code for a special Diwali menu, enticing customers to make reservations or order takeaway.
  • After Diwali: After the festivities, maintain the connection with your customers. Send thank-you messages expressing gratitude for their support during Diwali and offer loyalty rewards or discounts for future purchases. Share user-generated content from customers showcasing their Diwali experiences with your products or services, building trust and social proof. For example, an online gift shop might send a follow-up message post-Diwali, offering a discount code for New Year's gifts and featuring customer testimonials on WhatsApp to inspire trust in potential buyers.

Consistency and personalization are key throughout these phases to foster lasting customer relationships and drive more sales using WhatsApp.

Get Started for WhatsApp Marketing with WhatsTool Business for The Festive Season!

Using WhatsTool Business you can:

  • Broadcast Diwali Promotions, Offers & Discounts to Users:
    WhatsTool broadcasting can boost sales by enabling businesses to send personalized, targeted messages to a wide audience simultaneously. This direct and real-time communication allows for immediate engagement with potential customers, making it easier to address inquiries, showcase products or services with rich media, and build and nurture customer relationships. By providing valuable content, promotions, and excellent customer support, WhatsApp broadcasting enhances brand visibility, customer loyalty, and ultimately leads to increased sales and conversions.
  • Automate Notifications for Order Confirmation, Delivery Updates:
    With WhatsTool Business's automated notifications can significantly boost sales by delivering timely, personalized, and relevant messages to customers. Through automation, businesses can send order confirmations, shipping updates, product recommendations, and abandoned cart reminders, creating a seamless and engaging customer experience. These automated notifications can also leverage customer data and behavior patterns to send tailored promotions, discounts, and cross-selling suggestions, driving higher conversion rates and increasing revenue. By leveraging WhatsApp's direct and trusted channel for communication, API automation fosters customer loyalty, reduces friction in the buying process, and ultimately leads to a more efficient and effective sales strategy.

  • Send actionable messages with clickable buttons:
    Sending actionable messages with clickable buttons can significantly boost sales on WhatsApp by increasing user engagement and simplifying the buying process. When customers receive messages with buttons that allow them to take immediate actions, such as "Buy Now," "Learn More," or "Add to Cart," it reduces friction in the sales journey. These buttons make it easy for customers to make purchasing decisions and interact with your products or services directly within the chat. This streamlined experience enhances convenience, encourages impulse buying, and drives higher conversion rates. Additionally, actionable messages can also be used for personalized recommendations, surveys, feedback collection, and other interactions that help tailor offerings to individual preferences, further optimizing sales efforts. Overall, clickable buttons in WhatsApp messages empower customers and create a more efficient and effective sales channel.
  • Retarget users who you believe are potentials:
    ​Retargeting users who are more likely to convert on WhatsApp can significantly boost sales by leveraging the existing interest of potential customers. By identifying users who have previously engaged with your brand or demonstrated high intent, you can send personalized messages that cater to their specific needs and preferences. Whether it's reminding them of abandoned carts, offering tailored product recommendations, or providing exclusive discounts, these targeted efforts make it easier for users to make purchasing decisions. Additionally, the real-time nature of WhatsTool Business allows for immediate customer support, addressing any doubts or questions and ultimately nurturing them towards a conversion. Overall, retargeting ensures that your marketing efforts are focused on the most promising leads, increasing the likelihood of sales and revenue growth.
  • Integrate WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer support:
    Integrating a WhatsApp chatbot using WhatsTool Business to automate customer support can significantly boost sales by enhancing the overall customer experience. Chatbots provide instant responses to customer inquiries, ensuring quick and efficient support 24/7. This level of responsiveness not only fosters customer satisfaction but also reduces the likelihood of potential buyers abandoning their inquiries or transactions due to delays. Additionally, chatbots can guide customers through the sales process, recommend products or services, and even facilitate direct purchases, streamlining the buying journey and increasing conversion rates. By automating routine support tasks, businesses can allocate human agents to more complex issues, further improving the quality of customer interactions. Ultimately, a well-integrated WhatsApp chatbot not only improves customer satisfaction but also drives sales through seamless and efficient customer support.