Can Whatsapp Business be used on multiple devices? 

If you run a business and have been using WhatsApp to communicate with your customers or are looking to start doing so, these questions are sure to have crossed your mind at one point or another. 

Given all the amazing benefits that WhatsApp Business has to offer, being able to use it across multiple devices is one of the most in-demand features users look for. 

After all, which business wouldn’t want to allow its team members to access the chat app all at once? Not only does it help to facilitate interaction and communication, which speeds up problem resolutions, but it can also provide your buyers with a dedicated customer support experience. 

So, just what are your options when it comes to running WhatsApp Business on multiple devices?  

In this post, we’ll look at just that: the possibility of using the same WhatsApp Business account on two devices or more, your options, and possible alternatives.  

Let’s get started.

How To Use WhatsApp Business on Multiple Devices?

The first thing you need to know about accessing one WhatsApp Business account on multiple devices is that it is possible. However, it very much depends on the type of WhatsApp Business account you have. 

If you use WhatsApp Business App, it has some limitations with Whatsapp business multiple devices support. 

Free WhatsApp Business App Multiple Devices Login Limitations

Whatsapp Business API v s App 1

The only way to use WhatsApp Business on multiple devices is if you have access to the WhatsApp Business API (More on this later.)

The free WhatsApp Business app, unfortunately, has limitations similar to the WhatsApp Messenger app in this regard. 

This means that the same WhatsApp Business account (registered under the same number) can only be used on one single device.

To clarify, you can access a WhatsApp account from the WhatsApp web and the mobile app concurrently—but only if it’s the same account. 

You will not, however, be able to open multiple browsers (or tabs) of the same WhatsApp account on the WhatsApp web. Doing so will prompt this message: 

In short, if you’re using the free WhatsApp Business app, there is simply no way to access the same WhatsApp Business account on more than one device. 

Multiple Logins on Multiple Devices With the WhatsApp Business API

If you’re a new or small business, using the free WhatsApp Business app and having just one person handle customer service on WhatsApp at any given time may be sufficient—especially if you’re making full use of the WhatsApp marketing and customer service tools available.  

But if you’re a growing enterprise, such limitations may be a hindrance to growth. 

The only way to be able to log into the same WhatsApp Business account on two or more devices is if you’re using WhatsApp Business via the WhatsApp Business API. 

Getting access requires going through a WhatsApp Business solution Provider (BSP) like WHATSTOOL, which brings us to our next point.

Using WhatsApp Business on Multiple Devices With WHATSTOOL

Here’s a small video you should watch to see how multi-device login For WhatsApp works using WHATSTOOL.

As a BSP, WHATSTOOL can get you access to the WhatsApp Business API, which opens up a realm of new and exciting customer support and communication possibilities. 

WHATSTOOL is short for WhatsApp Business Account for Team Inbox and Marketing. And as our name suggests, we can help you get set up such that multiple customer support team members can sign in to and use the same WhatsApp Business account using various devices all at once. 

The most useful and popular tool we offer is, by and far, the multi-agent team inbox. This is a shared chat space where your customer support staff can access, view, and respond to customer queries all at the same time. 

That’s not all. They can also chat among themselves, collaborate together, and better organize themselves by assigning tickets and saving specific chats to favourites for easy access. 

Other functions include:

  • Add customized parameters to chats/contacts
  • Search and filter chats
  • Create quick replies
  • Etc.

WHATSTOOL WhatsApp Business Mobile App for Multiple Users

At WHATSTOOL, we’ve also developed a WhatsApp Business mobile app that allows multiple users to log into the same WhatsApp Business account. 

This is created by our very own developers with the purpose of allowing multiple and simultaneous logins and is different from WhatsApp’s own WhatsApp Business app. 

Because it’s also run on the WhatsApp Business API, WHATSTOOL’s WhatsApp Business mobile app allows you to have various team members access the same account at once—regardless of how many agents you have. 

The app comes in particularly handy when your agents are away from their computers or on the move and need to respond to a query urgently and/or collaborate with other customer service agents to do so.

WhatsApp Business on Multiple Devices Alternatives

Rumours of WhatsApp working on the possibility of using the same WhatsApp account on up to four devices at the same time have recently been circulating. 

For the moment, these are what they are: rumours. Whether or not they will prove true and when remains to be seen. 

As of right now, there’s been no official statement from WhatsApp regarding the matter and the only way able to access the same WhatsApp Business account on multiple devices is via the WhatsApp Business API. 

If you’re not ready to make the leap but would still like to have different customer service agents handle WhatsApp communication with your customers at the same time, the only alternative would be to use different numbers to register different WhatsApp Business accounts to be used on different devices. 

That’s because there can only be one WhatsApp account/number associated with one mobile device (even for dual-SIM phones). Opting for this would require having multiple WhatsApp numbers and multiple phones (bar second space–permitting devices). 

The downside to this is that it will be pretty cumbersome to manage and exceptional organizational skills will undoubtedly be required. 

That’s because the chats with your customers will be spread across multiple devices and may prove to be more tedious than efficient to know where each contact and conversation is. Additionally, you will need to promote more than one WhatsApp Business number, which may be confusing for your customers. 

If you’re not ready to upgrade to the WhatsApp Business API and think that this is a possibility that could work for you, by all means, give it a go. 

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