WhatsTool Republic Day 24

Most of us are back to our mundane life bracing the mighty Monday. Thanks to the 75th Republic Day we were fortunate to have a long weekend.

At WhatsTool Business we did the same. We decorated and celebrated the 74th Republic Day on Thursday. From Friday onwards most of us were planning for a mini vacation or catching up on the much-required sleep or the missed out web shows.

Joy of Democracy

For the 74th Republic Day one of the selected themes was “India- Mother of Democracy”. 

Taking inspiration from the theme we decided to focus on a similar communication under the name of “Joy of Democracy” and the power of being the largest democracy in the world.

To communicate the theme we decided to create a simple 10-second video and a static or visual. The brief showcased a strong emotion of being an independent Indian and celebrating the event. 

On the visual side, we decided to showcase the different diverse smiling people with an audio related to Republic Day. 

The script: “On this Republic Day. Let's be Indian first. Than anything else.”

We decided to run the campaign starting on the 24th and ending on the 26th of January. The brand creatives were shared on our social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

We also decided to have a lead generation campaign on Meta(Facebook and Instagram) to acquire new users. 

The central idea was to communicate that if businesses are looking to do marketing on WhatsApp then WhatsTool Business is the ideal tool. 

“Be it collecting new leads, 

Communicating with existing customers

and growing sales 

then WhatsTool Business is the platform for you.”

Created two new sets of new audiences(30 plus Indians) and collected leads via the Meta Lead Form; keeping the broad targeting of Meta in mind. For the media campaign, we tweaked the copy a bit and went with one video and 2 statics.

The media campaign marketing results have been satisfactory. We were able to collect our targeted leads at a fairly reasonable cost.

On the product side, we decided to create 5 templates for our customers. Who can use these templates, wish their users on WhatsApp, and even have sales-related creatives. If you are a new user then you will have to create an account to use the feature.

Office Celebrations

Our Bangalore office wore a traditional look on the 25th. We even decorated our office in the colours of our National Flag. 

After that, we made sure to click some pictures and the day also happened to be the birthday of one of our colleagues - Shashikiran Shetty(Product Manager). 

So the evening saw us switching off our laptops a bit early, cutting cake and walking to the nearest restaurant for a birthday treat.

We hope that you also had a beautiful weekend and Republic Day.

Once again from WhatsTool - Happy 74th Republic Day.

Jai Hind!