Looking for Twilio WhatsApp API alternatives?

You might be looking for some better options with good features and affordable pricing.
You can find it right here!

In this blog, we'll see Top 5 Best WhatsApp API Providers that you can pick as Twilio Alternatives.

Let's look into the Pros & Cons of Twilio's WhatsApp Business API solutions before comparison with its alternatives:

Pros of Twilio software:

  1. Supports phone calls, VoIP, messaging, WhatsApp, email etc.
  2. Helpful estimating for starter organizations as you can finish your work at lower costs given the pay-more only as costs arise evaluating.

Cons of Twilio software:

  1. Needs specialized information to get everything rolling else you'll have to interface with the help group at Twilio.
  2. More slow client assistance
  3. Deliverability endures when you mass send messages or messages.
  4. Expenses can soar as you increase since there is no fixed pricing, $1/user per hour or $150/user per month.

Top 5 Alternatives for Twilio:

#1. WhatsTool Business - All-in-one WhatsApp API Solution

​Here are some of the top benefits of WhatsTool Business over Twilio software:

WhatsTool Business offers:

  1. Efficient Customer Engagement:  allows businesses to quickly and efficiently engage with customers, answering their queries and providing information in real-time without manual intervention. This enhances customer satisfaction and improves response times.
  2. Multi-Channel Integration: WhatsTool allows you to integrate with other communication channels and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, allowing businesses to manage conversations across various platforms seamlessly.
  3. Personalization at Scale: WhatsApp automation with WhatsTool Business enable businesses to create personalized messages and experiences for customers, even when handling a large volume of conversations. This can include using customer names, purchase history, and preferences to tailor messages.
  4. Time and Resource Savings: By automating routine and repetitive tasks, businesses can save time and allocate resources more effectively. Employees can focus on more complex tasks that require human intervention.
  5. Segmented Campaigns: WhatsTool allows businesses to segment their customer base and send targeted campaigns based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences. This increases the relevance of messages and improves engagement.
  6. Consistent Brand Messaging: Automation ensures that customers receive consistent and accurate information across all interactions. This helps maintain a unified brand image and avoids confusion.
  7. Scalability: As businesses grow, manual handling of customer inquiries becomes challenging. Automation scales easily to handle a growing number of conversations without compromising on quality.
  8. 24/7 Availability: With WhatsTool, businesses can provide round-the-clock customer support and engagement with WhatsApp Chatbots. Automated responses can handle inquiries even outside of business hours, ensuring customers always receive timely assistance. WhatsTool provides users to choose from 1000+ WhatsApp Chatbot Templates.
  9. Quick Notifications and Alerts: Businesses can use automation to send out important notifications, alerts, and updates to customers promptly. This is particularly useful for order confirmations, shipping updates, and time-sensitive information.
  10. Cost-Effective Solution: WhatsTool Business provides all the features of WhatsApp API in a very affordable and reasonable price, where you can begin with first 15 days trial without paying a single penny for complete satisfaction before investing.

#2 DelightChat

Delight Chat's WhatsApp Business API enables organizations to connect with their clients on WhatsApp utilizing highlights like mechanized messages and chatbots. With an easy-to-use interface and high level conversational man-made intelligence innovation, the stage expects to smooth out continuous correspondence and robotize client connections. In addition, it offers multi-lingual help and programmed layout interpretation for added accommodation.


  • The STARTUP plan costs $49 per month.
  • The SCALE plan at $99 per month
  • The GROWTH plan is $299 per month.


  1. Omnichannel inbox that assists you with overseeing WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Messages and Live Talk.
  2. Complete WhatsApp Advertising suite - Send WhatsApp Broadcasts to your client records utilizing Official Programming interface.
  3. Get Official WhatsApp Programming interface access with free Green Tick application Computerized WhatsApp notices like Deserted Truck, Request Affirmation, Conveyance Notices and Money down Request Check.


Until further notice, Delight Chat just coordinates with Shopify that permits it to get to your Shopify administrator dashboard information. Be that as it may, it will before long be accessible for other web-based business stages like WooCommerce.

#3 AiSensy

Clients have viewed AiSensy as a significant answer for flawlessly incorporating business correspondence with end-clients, especially using WhatsApp. By giving customized messages to clients through this channel, clients have effectively used AiSensy for lead generation purposes, including online courses and Facebook Advertisements. Therefore, organizations have seen a decrease in cost for each lead and an expansion in market reach.


Basic Unlimited users $20/month, 1000 Free Conversations/month

Pros of AiSensy:​

  1. Helpful & responsive customer service.
  2. Offers a 14-day free trial.

Cons of  AiSensy:

  1. Template Message approval takes quite a long time via their dashboard. 
  2. The UI could be improved to make it easier to understand for beginners.
  3. Automated messaging functionality is still under development, so it’s not entirely reliable yet.
  4. Shopify integrations are unavailable.

#4 Helpwise.io

Helpwise permits you to deal with all your help channels techniques at one spot.

With shared inboxes for email, SMS, WhatsApp, live visit and virtual entertainment accounts, you can undoubtedly work together with your group and your clients from a similar dashboard.


$20/per user/month billed annually for all support inboxes. 7-day free trial.


  1. Associates significant help channels including Facebook, Twitter, Messages, WhatsApp, and SMS.
  2. Coordinates with Zapier, Hubspot, Slack, Shopify, and so forth.
  3. On screen team-collaboration.
  4. Track email load, key measurements and group execution from your record dashboard.


  1. Not at all like other shared inbox devices, you can't see all common inboxes on a solitary screen with Helpwise. This can be an issue for those searching for the genuine "shared inbox" experience.
  2. Can't oversee support for clients who interface from any channel separated from the ones upheld by Helpwise.
  3. Presently the versatile application is in an exceptionally early stage and doesn't uphold the vast majority of the highlights that the web application does.

#5 GupShup

Gupshup is a cloud-based platform suitable for businesses of all sizes, With Gupshup's foundation, organizations can send limitless media messages, feature item indexes to drive trade, take and get requests, and utilize shrewd chatbots to drive client service. The stage additionally includes conversational computer based intelligence and constant examination that assist organizations with further developing their client service insight and commitment.


Pricing is not listed on the website.


  1. Consistently incorporate with a large number of uses and stages.
  2. Computerize WhatsApp advertising messages effortlessly.
  3. Feature intelligent multi-item and single-item indexes to help your deals potential.
  4. Help deals by transforming your WhatsApp account into a virtual store.
  5. chatbots to improve your client assistance experience.


  1. WhatsApp arrangements on message recurrence and cutoff points might upset the viability of Gupshup's API.
  2. Non-specialized clients might find Gupshup's Programming interface testing because of its specialized intricacy.
  3. Incorporating Gupshup's API with different frameworks and stages might require extra exertion and assets.
  4. Extra message markup costs are applied.