What is a WhatsApp Business greeting message?
When somebody sends you a message on WhatsApp Business for the first time, you can automatically send them a so-called WhatsApp Business greeting message. It’s simply a welcome message for customers on WhatsApp Business. You can make multiple greetings for different types of situations.

Why would you use a greeting message for WhatsApp Business?
Using the right type of greeting message at the right time can help you achieve the following:
- Lower your response time
- Improve the customer experience
- Increase customer satisfaction by guiding customers toward the right information
- Don’t leave customers that message you outside of business hours hanging
- Collect valuable leads
What does an effective WhatsApp Business greeting look like?
1. Set clear expectations
Your primary goal should be to set a realistic expectation of when your customer can expect a message. It simply feels better for a customer to know for certain when they will be responded to.

Be very specific in setting these expectations. To illustrate why let’s look at two quick examples.
1)“We’ll get back to you ASAP.”
2)“We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.”
The first example is a bit of a vague promise and doesn’t set a specific expectation. ‘As soon as possible could mean anything between one minute and 10 hours.
The second example, on the other hand, sets a clear expectation and gives your team the opportunity to overdeliver.
2. Be as transparent as possible
The second best practice is to simply be honest and transparent.
Nobody likes lame excuses for slow response times. If your team just so happens to be a little in over their head that day, there is no shame in simply saying that you are busy.
3. Give it a human touch
In a lot of greetings, whether it is via email, live chat, or WhatsApp, I have noticed how the tone is often quite formal.
But just because the message is automated, doesn’t mean you have to come off as a robot.
I would advise you to always sound as human as possible. Keep it professional, sure, but avoid sounding like a lawyer. Well, unless you are a lawyer, of course. You get the point.
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