What is WhatsApp Chatbot, how does it work?

A WhatsApp chatbot is a full-fledged automated virtual customer assistant that can answer customer queries and inform them about your product, services, procedures, and any other information. Hence, you can manage a large scale of customer queries simultaneously, 24x7x365

Businesses are using WhatsApp interfaced chatbots because it creates a comfortable user experience. When users feel comfortable, they trust, and with trust comes sales. Not everyone is accustomed to the ever-growing widgets that the internet provides. WhatsApp’s interface serves as common ground and hence skyrockets lead generation.

Put people’s best interests at heart and always come out on top. This way, you equip users with easy-to-use tools to resolve any concerns and issues they encounter.

A WhatsApp chatbot is created using the WhatsApp Business API(application programming interface) like WhatsTool Business.

Why a chatbot strategy benefits not only your customer service team and your customers but also the entire company?

  • Reduce resolution times
    Give customers instant answers to their most pressing questions
  • Boost team productivity
    Enable agents to solve critical inquiries by leaving the repetitive ones to the bots
  • Do more, with less
    Tackle more customer questions without adding more headcount
  • Offer 24/7 support
    Give customers the support they need even when agents are unavailable.

What are the benefits of a WhatsApp Chatbot for my business?

Being a business owner on WhatsApp gives you a unique advantage.

An average user checks their WhatsApp at least three times a day. This presents you with an opportunity to send out your promotional materials before any other business. People check chat apps more than their emails. If you are consistent, you can expect to generate more and more inbound leads with time.

  1. Provide 24 hours service throughout the week without any breaks. People need to rest, but bots don’t; that will make the difference.
  2. Deliver instant responses to queries and issues with pre-programmed messages with your Chatbot.
  3. Build trust with WhatsApp’s trusted privacy policy and ensure users their conversations are safe and cherished.
  4. Provide convenience and a smooth flowing customer experience from the minute they come across your business.
  5. Converse easily as though you are talking to a friend, solidify your brand identity through WhatsApp
  6. Inform users about any disruptions and special offers with a tap of a button.
  7. Don’t wait for leads to reach out to you, start a conversation yourself.

Who would build the WhatsApp chatbot for me?

WhatsTool Business Chatbot does not require any code to build, you can simply go to WhatsTool Business dashboard and start building your own chatbot. OR We have a team of WhatsTool business API experts, who will manage everything from building to deploying and maintaining a bot for you on WhatsApp.

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