1. Click on Go To CRM

Click on Go To CRM

2. Click on Custom Fields

Click on Custom Fields

3. See all the custom fields you have, If Required you can create a new field.

See all the custom fields you have, If Required you can create a new field.

4. Go to contacts – Google Sheets

5. There is No Fixed Format For Google Sheet

you need to have at least 1 column for an identifier ( like WhatsApp number or email id ), 
you can add more columns based on the custom fields you want to import
it is not compulsory to import all custom fields with a contact

Their is No Fixed Format For Google Sheet

6. Example Columns

Here we have made 3 columns, 
1) WhatsApp Number – Identifier
2) Alias:- Custom Field
3) Custom fields:- Custom Field

Example Columns

7. Format Settings for WhatsApp Numbers

WhatsApp numbers need to be entered in this format: –

country code and number




There should be no plus sign, bracket, space or dashes.

Times, While exporting the sheet WhatsApp numbers don't come in the correct format.
To ensure they are precisely in the same format as you entered them
kindly select the full column and set the format as Plain text as shown in the next steps.

Format Settings for WhatsApp Numbers

8. Click on 123

Click on 123

9. Click on Plain text

Click on Plain text

10. Click on File

Once your Sheet is ready with data, you have to download it in CSV Format

Click on File

11. Click on Comma Separated Values (.csv)

Click on Comma Separated Values (.csv)

12. Go to CRM – Custom Fields | WhatsApp Business API & Team Inbox

13. Click on Contacts

Click on Contacts

14. Click on Import Contacts and Select your file

Click on Import Contacts and Select your file

15. Map CSV Data

on the left-hand side, you will see column headers from your CSV file and on your right-hand side you will see System Identifiers and Custom Fields.

You have to Click on DO NOT Import and Map each column from your CSV to a Field from the Platform

Map CSV Data

16. Example Mapping

For WhatsApp Number, You have to Select the option WhatsApp Number

for other Columns, you can select any Custom field or choose not to import any Individual Column!

Example Mapping

17. Click on Start Import

Click on Start Import

18. Click on OK

Click on OK

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